Monday, September 8, 2014

Life's Rules When Applied to Me

There are points of awareness, moments when what has been obvious also becomes actual in my own life, and so it is not so much a fact or generalization.  It is there to become more essential and acted upon.  I had always known we were each individuals responsible for our choices and so not needing to make them based on someone else's principles or expectations, but then I saw it applied to my life, the specific instance who is me.  I had also known we cannot live a full life in the habitat only of our heads, but that too became real -- or it is at least becoming so, as it has at other times and has been recognized until I again slid into my mind.

Why and how life becomes more personal and why it happens now rather than when it might have are mysteries and perhaps they require no answer, though sooner would really have been better, and not having to re-learn (or becoming "reaware") might have helped.  Less instances of saying, "Yes, that is true" would have been beneficial, less saying so and then just moving on might have saved a lot of trouble and a fair bit of superficiality.

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