Saturday, December 31, 2011

Still So Far To Grow

If one is a child, then having childish ways is normal and healthy.  Thinking with the mind of a child is what children should do; but as one grows, the thoughts, the process of thinking, and the questions posed should grow as well.  Childish ways become less appropriate.  They fit as poorly as would children's clothing.  If the growth is mere aging, the body size increases but the mind's lack of maturity arouses suspicions of retardation.

Because it seems to offer security, it is where so many become stalled.  The security is available at a high price, however, and in the realization there is anger and maybe even guilt about the response.

This occurs as well in our understanding of Church.  For whatever reason, our growth in understanding God can seem retarded.  While our bodies grew, and our intellect, reasoning as it relates to the religious aspect of being has not progressed too far beyond a childish level.  Because it fails to develop, because we do not or cannot question it, it remains less significant or may even deteriorate.

Were so little thought devoted to art, science, or philosophy, we would still see the world as something riding on a camel's back; humors and biles would be seen to course through our bodies; auguries and spells would be the rule.  We would be scratching images on walls and wondering how fire happened.  Strange how what we say is so important but remains so ill-developed, and no one seems to mind.

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