Wednesday, December 4, 2013

People's Essence

If we begin with the proposition that people are essentially evil we will need mechanisms to monitor and control the appearance of their limitations in daily behavior.  It will mean the multiplying of rules, the avoidance of trust -- since trust is incompatible with control -- and penalties to inflict as we catch them being themselves.  There is no opportunity to relax our vigilance since that fallen nature, their essential limitation, may surface at any moment in any setting.  It is an exhausting prospect, more for the maker of rules, the controller and examiner.  Be it parent, Church, or state, whoever has that role can never rest.  Having the power, or at least claiming it, means having then to use it, applying it or being ready to.

If we decline this proposition there is no need to watch or penalize.  We would need only to celebrate the goodness that arises -- a goodness we would never see if our search were for evil instead.  We could congratulate people on the pursuit of their essence, knowing when they found it they would have hold of something wonderful.

It seems an easy choice.

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