Saturday, November 8, 2014

God's Wars

They are preparing to fight and determined to have it be for religious reasons.  In India, Hindus and Muslims are gathering at a sacred sight for their sacred battle, while in Israel Jews and Palestinians at their sacred sight with what passes for holy zeal, their enthusiasm matched by Protestants and Catholics as determined to paint their hatred in shades of sanctity.  There is little reason to think any of them have understood God, no matter under which name they might call him.  "Holy" and "war" are terms that do not go together.  They are contradictory concepts, and it is silly to think God, who created the entire world, would have to think one spot more sacred than another.  If people are so determined to fight they would do well to do so under different auspices, giving it a more accurate name and attributing it to someone willing to have it be his.

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